The Repair Shop expert fears restoration could go horribly wrong

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The Repair Shop’s David Burville feared one restoration could horribly wrong as he tried to repair a broken toy.

During a repeated episode of the BBC show, fans were introduced to Douglas White, who hoped the mechanical whizz was able to bring his childhood back to life.

Once a Christmas present from his parents, Douglas told the team the gift brought him and his family great joy.

However, over the years, the item had been weathered as it had lost one of its fins, the antenna and there was some wear and tear.

Getting emotional while speaking about the item, he told the team in the workshop: “It’s something that’s always been there.

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“You can just touch it and you know they (his family) have all touched it.

“My eldest sister who was the one that with us on that Christmas day, she sadly died aged 36 with multiple sclerosis.”

Knowing how important it was for Douglas to see the toy working again, David had his work cut out for him.

Inspecting the object, the expert knew he had to try and recreate some of the original fittings by using one technique he hadn’t done in years.

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He said: “I haven’t done vacuum forming since I was at school! So, this is all highly experimental.

“It might go horribly wrong, but we’ll see what happens.”

Despite not using the technique in a while, David was successful in recreating the dome for the antenna.

When it was time for Duglas to see the reveal, he was blown away by what David had managed to achieve.

He said: “Wow, that’s exactly how I remember the antenna, it really is.

“Just amazing, I’m seeing it now as it was. I’ve almost forgotten what was missing!”

Douglas told David it looked the same as how it looked the first time he opened it on Christmas day as he thanked him for bringing it back to life.

The Repair Shop is available to watch on BBC iPlayer.

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