44 EastEnders pictures: big health news, huge return and Stacey's shock visitor

EastEnders spoiler pictures for next week confirm a shock health discovery, a huge return and more trauma for Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) following her stalker ordeal.

A sleepless night courtesy of baby Charli leaves emotions running high for all the occupants of No.31, with Stacey taking charge, much to Lily’s (Lillia Turner) dismay.

Lily and Ricky subsequently go out with baby Charli and Jack Branning (Scott Maslen) is horrified to find them clowning about, with Stacey dragging mortified Lily home, as she continues to nit-pick her daughter’s parenting.

Jean (Gillian Wright), however, isn’t best pleased with Stacey’s approach, with Stacey later revealing why she’s being so protective of Lily.

Jean is quick to remind her that Theo Hawthorne (William Ellis) is gone and the nightmare is over, but when Stacey goes outside, something unexpected and horrifying is waiting for her.

The question is: who or what is it?

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Elsewhere, Kat (Jessie Wallace) is horrified when she finds out that Tommy (Sonny Kendall) lashed out at Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) and that he and Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) failed to inform her about it, but the bigger shock comes later when Phil accidentally reveals Alfie’s cancer scare news.

Devastated, Kat insists on dropping everything and accompanying her ex-husband to the hospital to get his results. But will Alfie be okay?

Ravi Gulati (Aaron Thiara), meanwhile suggests that he moves in with Chelsea Fox (Zaarah Abrahams) and, after a heart-to-heart with Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty), Chelsea takes a leap of faith, taking her beau up on his suggestion.

Denise (Diane Parish), however, has something to say about her daughter’s decision, as she sets out to expose Ravi for who he really is.

EastEnders airs these scenes between Monday September 11 and Thursday, September 15 at 7:30pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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