My partner has a secret family he's only just told me about

My partner has just admitted to having FIVE children he never told me about – and I never want the three kids we share to see him again

  • One British woman took to Mumsnet to vent about her partner’s deceitful antics 
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Every relationship has its setbacks but it’s not often that your partner lies about his secret estranged family.

One British woman took to Mumsnet to vent about her 51-year-old partner’s deceitful antics after he confessed he had a family of five back in Denmark, despite previously telling her he was too busy with work to have had a big family.

The woman, 18 weeks pregnant with their third child, said that her partner told her that he’d always wanted a big family before meeting her, but wasn’t able to because ‘work was so busy’.

She asked in her post whether she was wrong to keep her own children from him after the shocking conversation that shook her to her core. 

Users immediately came to her defence, raising concerns that he may in fact still be married to another woman.

One British woman took to Mumsnet to vent about her 51-year-old partner’s deceitful antics after he confessed he had a family of five back in Denmark, despite previously telling her he was too busy with work to have had a big family (stock image) 

The poster, 18 weeks pregnant with their third child, said that her partner previously claimed ‘ he always wanted a big family and never had kids as work was so busy’ but he had just admitted otherwise in a sit down 

The anonymous woman started her post: ‘I’m so b***** mad I don’t even know what to do!’ Tonight he sat me down and told me he had to confess – right ok? HE HAS 5 CHILDREN.’ 

She explained that her partner is from Malta and moved to London six years ago after spending most of his life in Norway and Denmark, and that she shares two children with him.

‘Yes that’s right – he has 5 kids back in Denmark, ages 24, 22, 21, 20 and 18. Apparently the 4 eldest are in London this weekend and want to see him for the first time in 6 years!!!!! WHAT.

‘I’m so so mad. I’ve never met his family, claims he is an only child (who knows) and his parents are dead (are they?)’.

The woman was told her partner had actually kept in touch with his children but they had moved abroad for work or university. 

He was due to meet them all while they visited the British capital. Shocked and devastated, the woman forced her partner out of their shared home and into a hotel.

She explained that she didn’t want him near their own children, out of fear of him abandoning them for six years too.

Reaction: Mumsnet users comforted the anonymous woman about her shocking situation

Fortunately, the woman wasn’t stuck with him for financial reasons as she has her own income stream but had found out his secret family was receiving money from him.

In a desperate plea she asked: ‘What do I do now? We can’t recover from this right? He is psychotic? Can I keep my kids from him or do I just hope he jets off elsewhere and leaves us to it??!

‘AIBU (am I being unreasonable) to feel like the world has just imploded on itself and wonder what the actual f*** is wrong with him!? Why would he lie?!!’

One user advised she look into hiring a private investigator, but added: ‘Dating a financially secure man who has children – especially kids who are teens and young adults and don’t live in the same country – would not be a dealbreaker for a lot of women’.

She continued: ‘I can’t see any reason why he never mentioned this? It’s absolutely insane! I would most definitely start a separation and get your financial ducks in a row. 

‘I’d also hire a private investigator to look more into his background. Can you call his ex-wife in Denmark? Surely, she may have some information to share!’

A different user was pleased she sent her partner to a hotel, and told her she should be ‘furious’. 

‘I’m so glad you sent him to a hotel. You should be furious. I’d chuck all of his stuff out, take his key/change the locks, take any joint money and spend it, and don’t speak to him,’ she finished.

Another sympathetic said: ‘Oh god that’s beyond crazy! How will you ever believe a word he says again? You must feel like your whole relationship is based on lies. 

‘It will be very hard to overcome I think. Sorry you are going through such an awful hurtful mess’.

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